Energieeinsparung im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel.
Innovationen für Ihren Erfolg.

Current job offers at a glance

We are an international, medium-sized family business with headquarters in Cologne and further locations in Gronau/Westphalia, France, Hungary and the USA. With innovative power and creativity we have been developing intelligent solutions and functional products for the automotive sector and the refrigeration industry for over 40 years. Our experience is our most valuable asset. Our motivation is our responsibility towards our environment and natural resources.

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Job offers in Cologne
Job offers in Gronau Epe
Motivierte-REMIS-Buisnessfrau lächelnd und mit Zeigefinger auf Sie zeigend
Our employees are our capital

The cooperation is based on trust and respect. The tasks are both demanding and varied. Openness, independence and short decision-making paths are important to us.

Are you interested? Then we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application to personalinfo@remis.de or your application for one of our job advertisements. You can also find more job offers at www.REMImobil.de.