Energieeinsparung im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel.
Innovationen für Ihren Erfolg.
Wichtiger denn je: REMIS trägt durch Energieeffizienz im Einzelhandel erwiesenermaßen zum Erhalt der Natur bei

Committed to innovation, committed to the environment.

The joy in the technical development of new ideas, the premise of always making people's lives a little bit easier go hand in hand with the joy of integrating environmental protection into our innovations and social commitment into our corporate philosophy.

REMIS Health Centre e. V.

Our commitment in Gambia (West Africa) began in 2003 through our long-standing contact with Tengelmann AG and HCE (Hilfs-Center-Essen-Darsilami e. V.).

In cooperation with ISET (Institute for Solar Energy Supply Technology at the University of Kassel), we implemented a project to supply the children's bed house in Darsilami (Gambia) with self-sufficient electricity, financially, technically and in terms of personnel, also on site. We are still involved in this project today because people became friends.

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